Thursday, September 10, 2009

Easy Tomatoes

Not unlike the times when, as a teenager, I promised my parents I would mow the lawn that night and didn't, now as an adult I have shirked my responsibilities again. At the beginning of this summer I suggested that perhaps my parents should plant a vegetable garden since I live in a place where I cannot. They were reluctant but finally conceded when I promised to help care for it.

Fast forward to tonight when I stopped by my parents' house, one of the few times this summer that has occurred, and didn't water the garden. Again. I must admit, I didn't water it once this summer. And yet they magnanimously shared with me their fine bounty of tomatoes and basil, which I took home and turned into this mouthwatering caprese salad for dinner. While they do enjoy giving me plenty of guff for my summer disappearing act, in the end they still pass along the fruits of their labor. Just like when I was a teenager, as long as they'll keep letting me, I'll keep trying to get away with stuff.

1 comment:

Cousin Jo said...

You are bad!! I wish I was enjoying a nice fresh caprese salad with your bad self! It sounds divine.