Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Doug Henning Haunts My Thoughts

I think about Doug Henning, a lot. Doug Henning was a famous magician (now deceased) when I was a kid, who seemed to constantly be appearing on television sitting on a rainbow or in a cloud bank and dressing in spandex, or whatever the tight clothing material du jour was back then. He had a sing-songy voice and an air of forced excitement about him, ready to pull a trick out of his bushy mustache at any time. I think about him now because his voice reminds me of chef Rick Bayless, a Chicago-based artist of Mexican cuisine who has his own show on PBS as well as a place on Top Chef Masters, and seems to half-sing everything he says, too. I love Rick Bayless with all of my heart, but I do struggle with his sing-songiness, just like I did with Doug Henning's.

Tonight at a happy hour on the rooftop of a local ad agency, I mentioned Doug Henning and his funny voice stylings to the group of people I was chatting with and my offering was met with absolute crickets. There wasn't a glimmer of recognition in a single eye around that circle for Doug Henning. Nobody had fond memories of his hand-waving artistry like I do. Does anyone out there remember this dude or am I truly alone? Is Doug Henning destined to be forgotten forever?


Prima said...

I remember Doug Henning, however I don't remember the details about him as you do. I am sure that they have an ointment or something for that brain rash.

Gordo said...

I was always a little suspicious of Doug Henning. There was something about him that made me think of Tinker Bell.

New York City Magician said...

Doug inspired me to become a magician. Recently I watched some old videos of Doug - I guess he was groovy at the time. I still have a soft spot for the guy.