Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I'm too tired from reading seemingly thousands of resumes for days and days at work to tell you how tonight at the Memory Care Center, Bald Lorraine, who is tiny and white and lacking in hair on her round, shiny head called the tall, black nurse "Mommy." I'm much too exhausted to mention how when I was feeding Mary and asked her "Are you thirsty, Mary?" she answered "I'm everything." I'm unable to relate to you how I showed a book full of photos of residents of the unit, many of them in the photos sitting just feet away from Mattie, and she couldn't name one of them even though she lives with them every single day. She tried to fake it, but I could tell she had no clue who was in those photos. I'm lacking the energy to tell you how Melvin poured his baked beans all over his hands and pants and then his head dropped to his chest and he fell fast asleep at the dinner table. I don't have the strength to talk about how Bernice blushed and smiled coyly and drooled slightly when I showed her a photo of herself at the Christmas party and told her how beautifully she photographs and that she's practically a supermodel.

Fortunately, I'm not too tired to post this photograph of my mom and me, taken a couple of (hundred) years ago. See, there are beautiful things in this life. My mom's dress just isn't one of them.


GLOGIRLY said...

Oh, don't be too harsh on the dress... your mom was obviously one hot babe with one hot babe on her lap.


Anonymous said...

Love it! And Jude looks like a foxy mama! You're adorable. But I'm wondering if that look on your face is you trying to say "Quit snapping pictures Gordo and change me diaper!"

Anonymous said...

I'm not too tired to tell you that I adore your writing! And that "I'm everything" is the most magical answer ever to "are you thirsty, Mary?" It's mind-bendingly poetic.