Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Arbor Day!

Dinner at the care center last night was about as far away from Christmas Eve as one could have been, except for Angie's pureed cranberries. Those were pretty Christmas-y. It might as well have been Arbor Day, really. But I guess it makes sense not to remind folks that it's Christmas and nobody is there to pick them up and take them home and give them presents and egg nog. It's not like they know, on the Alzheimer's ward, what day it is anyway. 

Mary was hungry and talkative last night, making bold statements about topics I couldn't begin to comprehend between bites of pureed fish. Meanwhile Angie wrapped her ivory-colored sweater around her head and thanked me for every single forkful of food I offered her. I was actually surprised Mattie didn't know it was Christmas Eve, all she did was ask me to confirm what day of the week it was. I'm especially glad she doesn't know it's Christmas, she's obviously so early in her Alzheimer's journey that there are definitely flashes of reality from time to time. That could only make it hurt more.

But Bernice surprised me the most last night. She sits at the next table, but I still call out loudly to her every time I visit, asking if she's finished eating or ready to try to make a break for it. It's harder than you might think to come up with new material to use on these folks because their worlds are so small! Last night from across the room, I smiled over at Bernice and from her wheelchair she gently touched the sleeve of her sweater, like she was showing it to me. I didn't know what she was doing so I went over to her and she said, "See? It's the sweater she gave me. Tell her I like it." I realized she was referring to the Christmas party my dad and I attended last week and Bernice was actually remembering it, even if the details were fuzzy (she had received the sweater from Santa Joel, not a female). But she remembered that I had been there when she opened it. She continued on, saying "I'm not wearing the socks, but I have them." I was astounded. Bernice had also received a multi-pack of Gold Toe socks from Santa Joel, an event I remember well because I watched my dad make a big fuss for her over what good quality Gold Toe socks are. Bernice was connecting a recent event to the present, it was amazing and fun. I wish it could happen more often. What a great Arbor Day present.

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