Monday, December 29, 2008

He Just Gave Up

I have always been opposed to wearing sweats in public. It's not that I dress so well, but I'm usually able to pull it up a notch above sweats at least.  I wasn't even sure why I felt this way until my friend Jerry Seinfeld (we talked on the phone once a million years ago when I won tickets during a radio call-in contest to see him perform, so now I consider us pretty good friends) identified my feelings on his show. On Seinfeld, Jerry indicated that when George wore sweats outside his home, it looked as if he had just given up. But I try not to judge others, I keep this standard mostly for myself. Well, and for my coworker in this photo, who shall remain nameless. No, he's not wearing sweats, but he might as well be because they would have been an improvement over this wrinkly mess he sported to the office recently. He apparently grabbed a pair of pants out of the dirty clothes pile and off he went to work, though he claims they were clean. Look how proud he was to have me photograph him in this state. I'm too embarrassed for him to show his face. Clearly, he's just given up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on now... they really were clean! I mean... well, look, I know it's unbelievable and such, but the pants had one leg rolled up when they went into the washer. And then, they got dried like that, really it's true. It's not my fault. Yeah, sure okay... sometimes a guy needs to take an article of clothing or two... or three from the dirty clothes pile... but that doesn't mean he's given up. I consider it like old german brewing... it's called Kreusening.