Sunday, February 1, 2009

Anatomy of a Meat Raffle

For those of you unsure what makes for a good meat raffle, this photo tells the story. First, there's a beer, or perhaps a Bloody Mary, or any other alcoholic beverage that whets your whistle. Next to that is a pile of dollar bills. If you are a stripper this will be especially easy to come by, but the rest of us just try to get our hands on some small bills or we hope for a busy meat raffle where there will be change at hand. Up front is the meat raffle number, in this case "23." I never intentionally pick a certain number because I don't believe I'm especially lucky in that regard, but you can pick your favorite number if you care to. "23" wasn't very good for me yesterday. In the case of the Knightcap there's another ticket, the blue one, that is used in a free drink drawing for every spin of the meat wheel. This is an especially nice addition that makes the Knightcap meat raffle one of the best in a part of town where there's stiff competition. That little blue ticket netted me two free drinks yesterday, as evidenced by the upside down shot glass, proof that I won which I gave to the waitress, Ginger, in exchange for a fresh, zero-cost malted beverage. 

So there you go, a meat raffle essentials primer. Now you'll be ready when it's your turn. You're welcome.

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