Friday, January 9, 2009

My First Embedded Video! Huzzah!

If you're going to continue to read this narcissistic blog that spews a whole lot about practically nothing, there's something you should know. I have an exceedingly soft spot in my heart for three things in this cold, cruel world: 1) My 25 pound cat Hakeem Wallace  2) Western Lowland Gorillas and 3) Elephants. I don't know why this is as I have no personal experience with two of the three. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one of these three I know pretty well. Good luck. So when I saw this video about the friendship between a rescue elephant and an addled pooch, I was smitten. Click on the play arrow in the picture to watch it. I dare you not to feel the same way, and if you don't, please don't tell me. I don't want to know. In an era where Bernie Madoff is ruining financial lives and Israel is beating the hell out of Palestine and cholera is killing thousands in Africa, this is just the story we all need. If Tara and Bella can find a connection and make it work in this crazy, mixed-up world, there's hope for us all.

P.S. Sorry about the commercial that precedes the actual story in the video, I can't figure everything out in one night. 


Anonymous said...

Ok, that got me. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the best?! I saw this when it was on TV and thought it was the coolest thing ever....something to learn from our wise animal friends!